
The Pretty Hop Vines

When Alex Ganum of Upright Brewing contacted me to make him a hop vine piece for his brewery's tasting room, I was so excited! He's been a great supporter of my work for many years and is so trusting, the only restrictions he gave me were the size and that it be hops. Excellent! I've been a long time admirer of the beautious hop vine, but had never cut one before, so I was thrilled and up for the challenge.
Since I had just missed hop season, I was forced to do my research online. I prefer to have a real plant right in front of me, but I LOVE google images! It's just amazing what you can find and how easily you can get sidetracked while "researching."

He wanted to be about 5'x14" so that it would a particualr spot in the brewery, so I had an excuse to work big. That ended up being very good, you just can't do a vine in a small area, long and skinny is totally appropriate.I'm not going to lie, it was a challenge, but that's why I liked doing it!

It's hanging in the tasting room now, so get down to Upright Brewery, enjoy a delicious beer and see it in real life!

AND, now I am on a total vine kick. I think the next one might be a clematis or a passion flower, two of my favorite vines!

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